Welcome to Lee Studio,
Inside you will find Leslie's Travel Companion books & artwork.
Armchair Travel
Lee Studio
View post on Facebook >Thursday 1 May 2008 Inverlochy Castle Hotel Fort William, Scotland “Inverlochy Castle sits under Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in Scotland. We found the approach to the castle on the first try and wound our way through woods on the drive up a rise. The car barely fit inside the drop-off, old as it was, with its stone arches. With the bags strapped on top, it looked like the Clampetts of Beverly Hillbillies fame had arrived.” https://www.leestudiotc.com/books/products/six-degrees-of-latitude-travel-tales-of-scotland-and-ireland.html —Excerpt and image from Six Degrees of Latitude: (2008 5 1 Scotland Fort William, Inverlochy Castle, Ben Nevis crop) #LeeStudio #traveljournal #travelbooks #travelart #artwork #customartwork #uniquegifts #Scotland #FortWilliam #InverlochyCastleHotel
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View post on Facebook >Wednesday 30 April 2008 Bunchrew House Hotel Inverness, Scotland “When I walked into the lounge this first full night before dinner, I saw Harry sitting alone in the bay window in one of the old chairs, his hands resting on the arms. He sat in profile, head angled slightly to gaze out the windows of the room. I sat next to him, and he turned to me. ‘I’ve been here before,’ he said. ‘You’ve been to Scotland?’ I asked, surprised. ‘No, I don’t mean that,’ he said. ‘I’ve been here, in this house somehow. I know where all the rooms will be, I’ve seen these paintings on the walls in these exact places, I’ve just been here or even lived here.’ He turned to look out the window, engulfed in the sensation of déjà vu.” https://www.leestudiotc.com/books/products/six-degrees-of-latitude-travel-tales-of-scotland-and-ireland.html —Excerpt and image from Six Degrees of Latitude: (DSCF0482.jpg) #LeeStudio #traveljournal #travelbooks #travelart #artwork #customartwork #uniquegifts #Scotland #Inverness #BunchrewHouseHotel
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View post on Facebook >Saturday 20 September 2014 Isle of Skye Scotland “Does everyone who comes here fall in love with the place and want to live here? If they’d named it the Isle of Mud, would people feel the same? No, they named it the Isle of Skye, which in Norse means Isle of the Clouds. Off we went to explore Elgol, a fishing settlement on a south-pointing arm of the Minginish Peninsula. At last, after rolling up and down the two-track, we arrived in tiny Elgol for our hike. As we walked along the Cuillen Mountains and the Sea of the Hebrides, my hair curled softly, my eyes opened wide under the high grey cover of clouds, and my shoes crunched the fine gravel.” https://www.leestudiotc.com/books/products/six-degrees-of-latitude-travel-tales-of-scotland-and-ireland.html —Excerpt and image from Six Degrees of Latitude: (2014 9 20 Scotland Isle of Skye, Elgol, The Cuillen Mountains) #LeeStudio #traveljournal #travelbooks #travelart #artwork #customartwork #uniquegifts #Scotland #IsleofSkye #CuillenMountains #Elgol #MinginishPeninsula
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“I was completely charmed by this insightful and heartfelt portrait of Ireland. Leslie Lee’s descriptions of the people she met and the places she visited are so well written, so immediate, that I felt like I was there.” Jerry Dennis, Michigan Author
About the Artist
Not formally trained in art, Leslie began to draw when she traveled as a way to see more clearly what was around her. She carried a notebook, pen and tiny paint kit instead of a camera, and when everyone else was clicking away, she whipped out her kit and painted—fast. The simplicity of her paint palette and the speed with which she painted has become her signature style.
Northwest Lower Michigan defines her. She considers herself part of the landscape among the bluestems and butterfly weed, beneath the cedars, willows, and maple trees. The wind of the woods and water speak her language and sing the songs of her childhood. How will a visitor know us if we don’t know who we are? How will we venture out in the world if we have nothing of ourselves to offer? If we treasure our origins, we take these gifts out to the world as we travel, and come home again, enriched twice over. Wherever we are, every day, we create the story and the adventure of our lives. Here are her favorite stories and drawings.
After a lifetime of writing and painting in the margins of work and family, now semi-retired, Leslie has made it a priority to share. Thirty years of travel journals and paintings have been dusted off, edited, and excerpted and will be appearing here on her website as books, fine art, folded note cards and postcards, and other gifts and products for sale.
Leslie's Note Cards
All of our fine art reproductions use archival inks and paper and are suitable for framing. Giclee is another term for this process. The color and quality of the reproductions are so impeccable, it’s difficult to tell they’re not the originals until you turn them over to read the printed details of the image. Framed, they look great on the wall and make wonderful gifts.
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Leslie's Artwork
- Chaco Culture Pictograph2015 03 30 Arizona, Chaco, Chaco Culture Pictograph
- Lough Derravaragh2007 04 18 Ireland, Co. Westmeath, Lough Derravaragh
- From the Balcony of the Excelsior Hotel1999 11 25 Italy, Rome, The Balcony of the Excelsior Hotel
- Parknabinna #7 Wedge Tomb from the East2019 05 20 Ireland, Co. Clare, Parknabinna from East
- Looking Across from Achill Island2010 11 30 Ireland, From Achill Island
- The Applecross Pub2003 06 16 Scotland, Wester Ross, The Applecross Pub